BUnited Services

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What is the process for sap drivers?

When a commercial driver's license (CDL) holder fails a drug and/or alcohol test, the process typically involves several steps:

  1. Notification of Test Results: The driver is notified of the positive drug and/or alcohol test result.

  2. Removal from Duty: The driver is immediately removed from safety-sensitive duties, such as driving, and cannot return to those duties until the entire process is complete.

  3. Contact a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP): The driver must contact a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) to complete the return-to-duty process. The SAP will evaluate the driver and recommend the appropriate education and/or treatment.

  4. Follow-Up Evaluation and Treatment: The driver must complete the recommended education and/or treatment as determined by the SAP. This could involve counseling, a treatment program, or other forms of rehabilitation.

  5. Documentation of Compliance: The driver must provide documentation of compliance with the SAP's recommendations.

  6. Return-to-Duty Testing: After completing the recommended education and/or treatment, the driver must undergo a return-to-duty drug and/or alcohol test. This test must come back negative before the driver can resume safety-sensitive functions.

  7. Follow-Up Testing: The driver is subject to unannounced follow-up testing as directed by the SAP. This follow-up testing typically lasts for at least one year and can be extended up to five years. The frequency and duration of follow-up testing are determined by the SAP.

  8. Completion of the Process: Once the driver has successfully completed the return-to-duty process, including any recommended education, treatment, and follow-up testing, the driver may return to safety-sensitive duties.

It's important to note that the exact process may vary slightly depending on the company and the specific circumstances, but these are the typical steps involved in the process for a CDL holder who has failed a drug and/or alcohol test. BUnited Services work with SAP drivers daily. Please contact us should you need assistance. We are here to help!